Home Letters Zirgulis Pins a New Name on His Critic

Zirgulis Pins a New Name on His Critic


Re “It’s the Messenger, Not His Message

In the spirit of Ari Noonan's habit of assigning colorful names to characters he writes about, I have come up with a name for my favorite critic, Mr. George Laase.

Although George claims that he has not endorsed any candidates, it seems George has gone over to the dark side and become a shill for Scott Zeidman. I have said that if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, what else can you call George but “Mr. Quack Head”?

It has a double meaning because “quacks” are known as charlatans. I think “Mr. Quack Head” acts like a charlatan when he tries to distort the truth.

“Mr. Quack Head” implies that I never “talked first to the elected officials privately, behind the scenes, to see whether there is anyone on the School Board or City Council interested in supporting his proposal.”

I have news for “Mr. Quack Head.”

I have approached all School Board members and City Council members and talked about various proposals. Recently I had a very cordial discussion with Mayor O'Leary about the Natatorium.

On the other hand, when I respectfully approached Mr. Gourley of the School Board about raising money for our kids by supporting Prop. 1481, the tax oil fund education initiative, he flat out said “no.” He proceeded to act so petty and say that 50 percent of the reason he wouldn't do it was because of me.

Even though I have called all the candidates to share equally in the support of Prop. 1481, “Mr. Quack Head” is following Mr. Zeidman's playbook of trying to stop people from speaking when he stated in recent letter, “he (Mr. Z) should knock his own ego down a couple of notches, shut up, keep a low profile and work behind the scenes to get the Natatorium re-opened and let Scott Zeidman lead the effort to make it happen.”

“Mr. Quack Head,” Mr. Zeidman has had four years to do something about the Natatorium. He's only coming around to do something about it because I have made it an issue and welcome his efforts to get the Natatorium fixed.

Mr. Z.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board in the Nov. 8 election, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com