Home Letters Zirgulis Hits the Road in Sacramento

Zirgulis Hits the Road in Sacramento


I have arrived in Sacramento to begin my protest at the state capitol against the red light camera ticket ripoffs.


City Council candidate Robert Zirgulis in Sacramento, with volunteer Anita DeFrancesco.

We were getting a great response from motorists and passersby.

Today we will be going to lobby against Senate Bill 949, which would prevent cities from circumventing the state vehicle fines of $446 that could save drivers $300.

I will be going to talk to each of the members of the Senate Transportaition Committee and try to explain how unfair these $446 red light camera tickets are to working class stiffs, especially in these hard times.

I will also bring my protest to Attorney General Jerry Brown's office.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the City Council of Culver City, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com.