Home Letters Zirgulis Dismayed by Lack of Democrat Support for His Obama Resolution

Zirgulis Dismayed by Lack of Democrat Support for His Obama Resolution


I want readers of this newspaper to be the first to know that I officially submitted my nomination documents to run for the City Council this morning with the City Clerk.

Last night at the CulverCity Democratic Club meeting, I re-introduced a “Resolution to Support President Obama’s Afghanistan Plan and Encourage the Building of More Schools to Thwart the Influence of ‘Brainwashing’ in Taliban Maderassas.

Two other City Council candidates, Megan Sahli-Wells and Jeff Cooper, were present.

You would think some Democrats would support their President's plan to stop the misogynist terrorist Taliban in Afghanistan.

A vote was taken on the resolution. Guess what?

The only person willing to support President Obama in the room was myself!

Everyone else in the room opposed it, except for one abstention.

I find it interesting that an independent Democrat, such as myself, will stand by the President, and the rest of the Culver City Democrats oppose him.

Some club members said sending 30,000 more troops would cost too much money.

Guess what?

We're at war with terrorists who would love to get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction and use it on us. The costs of letting the terrorists win will be a hell of a lot more than fighting them on their home ground.

World War II cost lots of money. That is the price you pay for freedom.

I've got a lot of work to do to convince members of the club to support their President and see how important it is to fight the terrorists.

I suppose a lot of the pacifist members think that we can negotiate with terrorists , and we can read them their Miranda rights on the battlefield.

They should remember what their President Obama said when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize: “Evil does exist in the world. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince al- Qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms.”

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com