Home Letters Zirgulis Denies Pot Shots Charge, and Defends Social Networking Position

Zirgulis Denies Pot Shots Charge, and Defends Social Networking Position


Re “Zirgulis Roasted for Having Too Few ‘Friends’

In regards to the charge of taking “pot shots” at other candidates, I have the courage to openly point out my differences and critiques and not hide under the skirts of surrogates and shills and let them smear others.

I have challenged Kathy Paspalis on her support for Acorn. I, at least, have asked her to join me in denouncing that organization of liars, extortionists and thieves. I have the courage to stand up to Acorn and demand that federal grant money that has been allocated to them be given to our schools.

Ms. Paspalis's support reveals that she is not quite the “moderate soccer mom” she purports to be.

I believe anyone who supports such a radical organization as Acorn has a political agenda they may want to impose on our children.

So, Ms. Ann Lidiot, you're trying to look up dirt on me, and you are frustrated you can't find anything on Facebook and MySpace.

I'm not that computer savy. I only go on those sites to check up on my kids’ postings and pictures.

I communicate with my friends the old fashioned way, by letters and telephone. Perhaps you want to bug my phone and intercept my emails, too?

Ms. Lidiot, you are so quick to criticize anyone who brings forth creative ideas, such as my proposal to end the deficit by making good use of the Natatorium.

Your assignment: Why don't you do something constructive? Come up with your plan to solve the school deficit and do something about the Natatorium.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Bnoard in Tuesday’s election, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com