Election season brings out scores of letters to the editor. You can't open a newspaper or view an online paper without reading why (fill in the candidate) is best for the job.
This letter isn't promoting any candidate but, instead, is my way of publicly acknowledging the hard work of Rachel Zeidman and Chris Caines, and all of our high school volunteers.
High school seniors are required to work two hours on a political campaign. While many embrace this experience, most likely consider it akin to indentured servitude.
Chris and Rachel are the high school campaign coordinators as I seek re-election to the School Board next Tuesday.. Together, working dozens of long, hard hours, Rachel and Chris recruited more than 150 high school senior “volunteers” to work on the campaign.
They recruited only the best, the brightest and the motivated. Many of these students worked numerous events, logging in more than 10 hours each. Many actually had fun while they learned. They demonstrated this by coming to event after event.
These high school seniors have been a wealth of knowledge, providing insight into Culver City High School, offering valuable ideas and even criticism when warranted.
Win or lose, I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with these fine students. I am honored to consider each one as an integral part of our campaign.
Chris Caines and Rachel Zeidman, thank you so very much.
Mr. Zeidman’s campaign website is zeidman4ccusd.com