Home Letters ‘Zeidman and Chardiet Give Our Children the Best Chance’

‘Zeidman and Chardiet Give Our Children the Best Chance’


As a parent of two children who attend Culver City schools, I am acutely aware of the need for strong leadership and experience as qualities in our School Board.

Board members sacrifice hundreds of hours each year making critical decisions regarding our district’s budget, personnel and school facilities management and improvement. Having a strong basis from which to make decisions in these important areas is critical to a successful School Board.

Through my involvement in numerous school functions and school fundraisers, I have had the opportunity to work side by side with both Scott Zeidman and Laura Chardiet. Scott and Laura are the two candidates in this field with the strongest backgrounds to tackle today’s difficult decisions. First and foremost, both candidates have logged countless hours in our schools as parents of children in our district. They know what is going on at our campuses.

The current economic climate has created what could be called the most challenging time in recent history for school districts across the country. Our district’s annual operating budget has been constricting for every year of Scott’s tenure on the Board. Through all of this, our teachers and staff have fared much better than most other districts. During this same period, our standardized test scores have risen every year, our schools have become less crowded, our athletic programs have produced championship seasons, our arts programs have won numerous awards, our district has adopted a nationally recognized anti-bullying program, our district has developed the Growing Great Garden program for healthy eating, and too much more to mention.

The accomplishments in our district would be amazing in a period of prosperity.

But to think anyone could have done a better job under similar circumstances would not recognize the challenges that were faced.

Laura has a resumé tailored for a School Board member. She has the most l rounded background of any candidate. Laura’s father was a California State Teacher of the Year. Laura taught for 10 years. Laura was the PTA President at La Ballona Elementary School before becoming CCUSD’s Council PTA President. Laura currently is the coordinator of LAUSD’s $15 million adult literacy program.

Beyond her remarkable accomplishments while a parent at La Ballona, I know Laura is an experienced fundraiser and grant writer with the endurance to handle difficult financial issues that our schools face. She is a team builder, with an unending supply of energy.

To jump into the fray and hit the ground running, having a background dealing with the minutiae of budgets and fundraising will be critical in the coming years for our School District. On the front burner are the ever-evolving state budget allocations. Another important issue is the allotment of capital improvement funds and the ensuing management of our schools’ improvements.

Scott and Laura are the two most qualified candidates with the most at stake – their children’s education.

In a competitive field of candidates, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, I have to vote for the two people who will give our children the greatest chance to succeed, Scott Zeidman and Laura Chardiet.

Mr. O’Brien may be contacted at beverlyanddan@aol.com