Home Letters You, Sir, Were Wrong

You, Sir, Were Wrong


Re “Malsin Accuses City Hall of Miscalculations

With regard to the uproar surrounding City Councilman Scott Malsin's article about city employees being forced to make a difficult choice at the end of the year to either retire and preserve their benefits or continue to work and accept the recently negotiated retirement benefit limits, I would like to point out that Mr. Malsin, did, indeed, disclose that he is one of the affected employees.

In the last sentence of paragraph 3, he clearly states: “As a vested city employee, my family and I are facing that choice, too.”

Regardless of whether you agree with his position on this issue, you are unfairly accusing him of not making a full disclosure.

I, for one, agree with many of the points he made in his article. The fact that these changes will also affect Mr. Malsin and his family does not negate the points he has made regarding other city employees and the impact mass retirements will have on our city.

Ms. Hamme, President of the Assn. of Classified Employees, may be contacted at antiquer01@aol.com

Ari Noonan comments:
While Ms. Hamme is correct about Mr. Malsin’s first of three scheduled self-serving essays, he ignored this key point in his second essay, which merely repeated the first in virtually all other respects.