Home Letters ‘You Are the Problem Not the Solution’

‘You Are the Problem Not the Solution’


Re “An Answer for Daniel Kane

Your attempt to redirect the issue has me confused.

My issue is with you.

My issue is that you paint us as a group to be some sort of child reprogramming bogeymen (and women, too). Your reply makes no sense.

It really doesn't touch on anything I said except in so much as you point out that you have two gay sons, neither of whom, if I am to understand correctly, is speaking to you at the moment, and that you sympathize with my plight.

I'm grateful for that, I suppose.

If you will forgive the irony of this statement, a co-worker of mine once told me that the most racist thing he hears regularly is “I have friends who are black.” And? The fact that two of your sons are gay has little if anything to do with you.

I can only assume you didn't “indoctrinate them” when they were younger, given your apparent stance on the subject. And given your admittedly strained relationship with them, I have to wonder if you are, in fact, as tolerant as your response to me would like me to believe.

I'm sorry… but I don't buy it. If I said that Jews were money-grubbing skinflints, you would take umbrage, no? And rightly so.

Then if I were to turn around and say “Well, no, I wasn't speaking of Jews as individuals, but rather of the, ahem, “leaders” of the so-called Jewish Movement,” you would look at me as if I were nuts.

Generalized statements are just that. Generalized.

Trying to cover yourself after the fact is just you being disingenuous.

Frankly, it's rather insulting. I can cite the article in question, if you'd like.

Who are the leaders of your “Gay Movement”? I don't remember holding elections. Maybe I missed the newsletter. I should ask about it at the next meeting.

All I see is people asking for things we shouldn’t have to ask for.

Things that are ours by right.

Tell me, Mr. Noonan: Do you support Rick Perry's candidacy? He openly spoke against gays in the military. He compared it to kids not being allowed to celebrate Christmas.

Granted, on my Facebook, this led to some rather clever responses, including a photoshopped Dr. Seuss novel “How the Gays Stole Christmas”. But the point is still valid.

Your rebuttal to me offers no examples. No citations for validity. If I tried to turn that in for college credit, the teacher would have given me an “F.”

Who is self-entitled? Who is mean-spirited?

Perhaps the people who protest Chik-a-fil for being unrepentantly anti-gay?

Or the people who lined up to get married to their long- term partners when Sacramento was allowing marriage, practically forever ago?

Did you know I had friends in that line? I saw them on the news.

Smiling the biggest, cheesiest grins I've ever seen them smile.

I was happy for them, for awhile. Until I realized that what they were doing would only be recognized certain places.

For some reason, people like you are okay with that.

You may think you're part of the solution, Mr. Noonan, but unfortunately, you're not.

Mr. Kane may be contacted at anyotherstory@hotmail.com

Ari Noonan comments: You have filed bitter complaints in two letters without citing the story you say is the source of your anger. Kindly do so.