Home Letters ‘Y Friday?’ A Fundraiser with Free Drinks at Joxer Daly’s

‘Y Friday?’ A Fundraiser with Free Drinks at Joxer Daly’s


As many persons probably are aware, the City Council has struggled for years to reduce the size of government while maintaining the quality programs and services that make Culver City such a special place to live, work and play.

Despite these efforts, our revenues need to grow to maintain the quality of life and city services in Culver City.

In July, the City Council voted to place a half-cent sales tax increase on the Nov. 6 ballot.

As this item will be at the end of a very lengthy ballot, we have to educate Culver City voters about the need for Measure Y.

To do so, we will be distributing educational and informational brochures and lawn signs.

I am asking those who care deeply about maintaining Culver City and what it offers residents, businesses and visitors, to attend a Happy Hour fundraiser, this Friday, from 5 to7 p.m.

Our host will be City Councilman Mehaul O'Leary at Joxer Daly's Irish Pub, 11168 Washington Blvd., Culver City.

Admission is free.

But donations (check or credit card) to the campaign are welcome and accepted.

Free hors d'oeuvres and Happy Hour drink prices.

Feel free to pass this invitation to anyone else who would be interested in supporting Yes on Measure Y.

If you can't attend, please send all donations payable to:

The Committee to Save Our Services Yes on Measure Y

9696 Culver Blvd., #106,

Culver City, CA 90232.

Mr. Weissman, the Mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at andrewweissman@anwlaw.com