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Who Would Want to Manage This City After Seeing Querulous Council in Action?


After watching the City Council meeting on Monday night, a few thoughts popped into my head.

If your dog is currently licensed in Culver City, animal control takes it to the SPCA in Hawthorne. If it has no tags it goes to Carson. At least this way if people really care about this issue, they will be induced to get their dogs tagged.

If the search for a new City Manager is to come to any kind of decent conclusion, how about members of the City Council treating each other, and the present City Manager, with a modicum of respect. Would you send your resume into Culver City after watching Monday night’s constant bickering?

Exactly who are the “Culver City Friends of the Animals?” And why are they sitting in on Council sub-committee meetings on a regular basis? Hey, the next time the Finance Committee meets to discuss taxes, may I sit in? How can they even attempt to become a non-profit—if I remember correctly organizations that endorse candidates are excluded from this tax-free status.

Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger, your vote at the Democratic Club meeting last month to ban absentee voting for club endorsements, thereby making second- class members out of nine-tenths of the Demo club membership, goes right along with your acceptance of improper notice of Monday night’s animal control item. Do you think it is fair that supporters of Monday night’s item knew it would be on the agenda weeks before the general public knew? I wonder what you would say if you were on the opposite side of these issues? Mr. Silbiger, you are no different than the politicians you rail against. That is perfectly okay with me. Just admit it.