Home Letters Who Says $20,000 Is Too Much for a Board Campaign?

Who Says $20,000 Is Too Much for a Board Campaign?


Re “No Health Benefits for 4 of 5 School Board Members

It was of great interest to read a post by a School Board incumbent “educating” the citizenry on the cost of running a School Board campaign. The incumbent seemed to raise an eyebrow about an opponent's stated goal of raising $20,000 for this November's election.

The incumbent seemed to imply that spending $20,000 during this campaign was wasteful, and meant a candidate would have to mail literature to every voter in the School District. Does the incumbent imply that communicating with every voter is bad for democracy? That seems counter-intuitive.

Why wouldn't the incumbent want to speak to every voter in the CCUSD? Might there be some issue(s) the incumbent doesn't want to shed the light of day upon for ALL of the voters to know?

Why wouldn't a 41-year high school teacher, who is trying to reach to our community, NOT want to introduce herself to all the voters? Campaigns are not cheap.

The incumbent indicated a more realistic campaign budget would be in the $9,000 range. The last two elected School Board members, who sit at the same dias as the incumbent seeking re-election, spent well over $15,000 for their election in 2009. That seemed to be a formula for success.

Can the incumbent be trying to run roughshod over an opponent's fundraising goal and stymie local donations? Maybe the incumbent is a little worried a beloved high school teacher still has a thing or two to teach our community.

The letter-writer may be contacted at Corey.michelson@yahoo.com