Home Letters ‘We Feel the Board Has Made a Personal Attack on Us’

‘We Feel the Board Has Made a Personal Attack on Us’


Dear School Board Members:

I am very concerned about the morale of the staff of Culver City Unified. Both classified and certificated personnel are feeling the brunt and the blame of the current economic crisis.

Many of the staff feel hopeless and demoralized by public and Congressional scapegoating against teachers and unions.

Day in and day out, we work hard to provide excellent and equitable education for all students, and each day we are asked to do our job with fewer and fewer resources and more and more students in a classroom, alongside the political clamor that it is our fault that education is in the state it's in.

Most of the staff feels that a personal attack has been made on us by the Board and our administrators in the District offices.

Why is it that we must face the cuts of 19.2 teacher positions, while the administration has refused to cut and/or combine NOT ONE administrative position?

We do a tough job that garners little respect from society at large; to cut, cut, cut at the classroom level and not at the District level only adds to the amount of helplessness we feel as a staff.

What can be done when our Board will not stand up for us, when our administrators insist that they are more important than us?

Please do not consider “pink-slipping” administrators.

Do it NOW; show us that we are valuable and that the pain that cuts cause will be shared by ALL of us.

To disregard our requests in this matter is beyond belief. Thank you.

Ms. Nolan, Chair of the English Dept. at Culver City High School, may be contacted at kellynolan@ccusd.org