Home Letters We Are Serious About Pursuing Cleaner Air at El Marino

We Are Serious About Pursuing Cleaner Air at El Marino


By Scott McVarish

Re “A Layman’s Look at El Marino’s Air Quality”

George Laase's article last week on the air quality at El Marino Language School deserves a comment.

It was a well-written piece that laid out the facts fairly, contained a provocative proposal (moving the school) but ultimately fell short in repeating a common red herring. Mr. Laase seemingly dismissed the efforts of parents to ensure cleaner air at the El Marino classrooms because kids spend time outside playing. He may not know this but many students – like my second grade daughter – spend over 33 hours per week inside buildings at El Marino.

No one – not scientists, not real estate agents and not your publication – has ever rebutted the well-established fact that young children of elementary school age are vulnerable to air pollutants near freeways because their lungs are still developing. It may not be the same for adults. But parents at El Marino feel this issue deeply.

At the recent Clean Air Forum that the United Parents of Culver City sponsored with the Clean Air Coalition, School Board President Kathy Paspalis listened to 30-plus parents who let her know that their No. 1 issue was cleaning the air in El Marino buildings. We look forward to a unanimous decision by current and future School Board members to get the air clean within the next year at El Marino. For parents who agree with us, join us at www.unitedparentsculvercity.com 

Mr. McVarish, United Parents of Culver City PAC Rep for El Marino Language School, may be contacted at scott.mcvarish@verizon.net