Home Letters ‘Video Proves That Zirgulis Was Wrong’

‘Video Proves That Zirgulis Was Wrong’


One of the good things about life in the 21st century is that virtually everything that a person says is recorded in some manner. One of the bad things about life in the 21st century is that virtually everything that a person says is recorded in some manner.

This is a good thing for Culver City residents, and a bad thing for School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis.

Mr. Zirgulis wrote in a letter to the editor of this publication, “Watch out when you say shut up and cut off the mike! I was shocked on Tuesday night to hear and see School Board President Scott Zeidman acting like a bullying Chicago political machine boss at the Board meeting.”

Mr. Zirgulis went on to comment, “However, after Mr. Zeidman pulled that stunt of telling her to shut up…” http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9583/HeObjectstoCuttingOfftheMicrophone

I watched the meeting. I know for a fact that Mr. Zeidman never told anyone to “shut up.” When I wrote to correct the record, Mr. Zirgulis shot back, claiming that he had been attacked because he “pointed out correctly that Scott Zeidman, President of the School Board, had told Amanda Copeland… to shut up…” http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9600/LastWeekallsAttackonMeWasMalicious

On two occasions, Mr. Zirgulis accused Mr. Zeidman of telling someone to shut up. Mr. Zirgulis had two chances to catch his mistake (intentional or otherwise). For reasons surely known only to Mr. Zirgulis, he lied not once, but twice.

As anyone who knows Scott Zeidman knows, Mr. Zeidman would never have told anyone to “shut up.” As I mentioned at the onset, virtually everything is recorded. The meeting Mr. Zigulis refers to was recorded. Too bad for Mr. Zirgulis, as his lie, fabrication, misstatement, fib (pick one) is now clear.

From the tape of the meeting, it is clear that Mr. Zeidman never told anyone to shut up. Here is what happened.

The speaker started, “I am here to bring public awareness of the unlawful and corrupt conduct of … CCUSD Supt. Patricia Jaffe …”

At that point, Mr. Zeidman interjected, “I’m sorry, I’m going to stop you for a moment. Stop the clock, please. I’m going to read the Board statement (interrupted by the speaker with an incorrect interpretation of the Brown Act). I understand that. I’m also going to give you the … rules that we abide by. (Interrupted again by the speaker). If you’d like to finish speaking after I’m done, you will have that opportunity.”

Mr. Zeidman then read the Board statement, which dealt specifically with claims made against District employees and the proper manner under California law to make such a complaint or charge against a District employee.

Mr. Zeidman continued, “With respect to me (Zeidman), have at it. You can say anything you like during your three minutes. With respect to District employee Ms. Jaffe, I’m going to remind you that you may not. Please start the clock.”

The speaker refused, and began again after Ms. Jaffe. At that time, Mr. Zeidman asked that the speaker’s microphone be turned off.

Mr. Zirgulis, my letters are not political attacks. It appears that it is you who is trying to campaign, this time negatively, against Board President Scott Zeidman. You’ve previously negatively campaigned against Kathy Paspalis, and I’m sure you’ve negatively campaigned against others.

That’s your right. It’s wrong, but it’s your right.

Mr. Fields may be contacted at kevinrfields@hotmail.com