Home Letters United Parents Warming up for the Election

United Parents Warming up for the Election


By Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin

[Editor’s Note: United Parents of Culver City, which marks its first birthday this month, has not yet endorsed this year’s School Board candidates. and Ms. Wisnosky Stehlin is the President.]

1.      Our May Podcast Is Posted

UPCC members Scott Kecken and Scott McVarish host a podcast, where they update the community on the Culver City Unified School District and education-related current events. The May podcast features an interview with School Board President Kathy Paspalis. The UPCC hosts both praise and hold the District accountable, and they issue a friendly challenge to new Mayor Jeff Cooper. To listen, click here: 

2.      Parent Recommended Summer Camps

UPCC has compiled a list of parent-recommended summer camps for kids of all ages:

3.      Save the Date, Sunday June 9
UPCC is hosting a fundraising party. In addition to live entertainment by some of Culver City's most talented parents, UPCC will honor its one, two or three candidates we will help elect in the November School Board elections.  The event will be held June 9, 7 to 9 o’clock, at the Culver City Elks Lodge. Buy your ticket at:

4.      Facilities Bond Parent Input Tour

To ensure parent input into the facilities bond, UPCC invited Kathy Paspalis to dialogue with parents at La Ballona, El Rincon and Linwood E. Howe. She will be visiting El Marino Language School on Wednesday. UPCC is hosting the El Marino event along with Clean Air El Marino.

Ms. Wisnosky Stehlin may be contacted at 