Home Letters Two Votes for Malsin

Two Votes for Malsin

   2. Intelligence.  Talking to Scott makes it clear that he is able to grasp the complexities of the issues currently facing Culver City, understand all of their ramifications and produce workable, creative solutions.  Not only is this important for dealing with the current issues that have been discussed during the campaign, it is imperative that we have Council members who will be able to analyze and deal with new, unpredictable situations as they arise in the future.
   3. Vision.  Scott’s support for Measure V demonstrates his commitment to the future of Culver City and his recognition of the need to streamline and modernize city government.  If Measure V passes, Scott is exactly the sort of person who will be able to help implement it in a way so that the city will have the flexibility and capability necessary for it to move into the twenty-first century. 
We hope you join us in voting for Scott Malsin on April 11.
Nancy and John Kuechle, Culver City