Home Letters Two Errors to Mull

Two Errors to Mull


Re “School Board to City Hall: Hold Your Breath and Turn Blue

Re “Board’s Letter to the Council: At Least One Tuesday a Month

There are two important factual errors in your Tuesday report on Monday night’s City Council meeting

First, the School Board is asking for a fee waiver in the letter sent by the Superintendent to the City Manager. That issue will not wait until after everything else is resolved.

Second, we are asking that the City Manager work with the commission to see if they can find a way for us to use the facilities on both of our meeting dates. We are not saying that we will meet only at City Hall on the fourth Tuesday of the month (that decision has not been made), and we are not saying that we are fine with just one meeting. We are hoping that our staff and their staff can find a workable solution for all parties involved.

Hope this clarifies the situation,

Mr. Silbiger may be contacted at ksilbiger@juno.com