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Today Is Your Last Chance to Vote for Me


By Christopher Armenta

[Editor’s Note: The following updated message from a candidate for the state Assembly in today’s special election for the vacant 54th District seat arrived in select homes yesterday.]

(Today) is a special election, and your vote will make the difference between years of experience or moneyed interests making decisions on your behalf.

I joined this race because I know that the political machines in Sacramento and Los Angeles are out of touch with our needs. I want to take the decision-making power from lobbyists and corporations and put it back into the hands of our communities.

My opponent, and those that influence him, are willing to spend over $1 million to defeat our grassroots campaign. He has the backing of the  powerful special interests that seek to deafen your voice and hijack the democratic process. No doubt you've received a couple dozen campaign flyers. Have you wondered what that huge expense of money is attempting to buy?

From City Watch:

“This David versus Goliath election involves the gras roots campaign of an honest, experienced but underfunded candidate fighting against the machine and its self-serving contributors who want to perpetuate a culture that is not in the best interests of its citizens…”

During my 10 years of elected service in Culver City, I have continually strived to make government more responsive to individuals. As a  Councilmember and mayor, I have spent the time listening, evaluating and making the difficult decisions on the issues that were important to our community. I'm able to use my 25 years of technical accounting and auditing skills to ensure our tax dollars are properly accounted for and spent in a fiscally responsible way.

As your Assemblymember, I will:

• Uphold and strengthen the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to make sure our communities can decide what kind of developments go on in their neighborhoods.
• Decisively address the public health and safety threat of hydraulic fracking/fracking that is occurring in our Assembly District.
• Find the money in our state budget for education, healthcare and jobs for a future.

Visit my website for more information, www.ChristopherArmenta.com

I have the proven experience and leadership abilities we need in our district. 

I will stand up for you. Will you stand up for democracy (today) by voting for me?

Find me on Youtube and Facebook

Polls close at 8 p.m.
To find your closest polling place, visit the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder Office at

P.S.: I started my campaign as a grassroots effort to bring positive change and include your voice in the process. I personally invite you to join my Election Night Countdown (this evening) after the polls close, in the Banquet Room of Denny's, at the corner of Jefferson and Overland.