Members of the City Council and City Manager Nachbar:
Please check the video at which I took Friday morning in my Culver City neighborhood. I think it is very sad that these conditions continue to exist in the Culver City Unified School District Quad-Campus area.
I have more video than I can load to YouTube of vehicles running the Stop signs at the intersections on Farragut Drive in the CCUSD Quad-Campus area — Farragut and Overland, Farragut and Coombs, and Farragut and Elenda. The residential neighborhoods should not have to be exposed to vehicles speeding through the neighborhoods, rushing unsafely to and from the CCUSD Quad-Campus area or trying to avoid the traffic on Overland Avenue.
I urge the members of the City Council/School Board Liason Committee to work together to find a solution to the problems I have outlined.
I have heard that a Culver City High School student went to see the School Nurse Friday morning after being involved in an accident on his bicycle with a vehicle. I do not know how accurate this is, but I would not be surprised given what I have seen relating to the City Council, Police Dept. Chief Don Pedersen and City Manager John Nachbar about the unsafe conditions I see on a daily basis.
John L. Heyl
Mr. Heyl may be contacted at