Home Letters The Eyes of Taxes Are on Mr. Z, and I Support His...

The Eyes of Taxes Are on Mr. Z, and I Support His Decisions


Re “I Am Not a Quitter, and He Isn’t, Eitherand “Talking Back to the Vice Mayor

I totally support Mr. Z's last letter yesterday about not quitting the Culver City School Board race.

In fact, I support him not quitting the City Council election in 2012, and 2014, and the next School Board race in 2013, as well.

Heck, let's throw in the 2016 City Council election, too.

Mr. Z has the gumption to keep running for public office, a trait best admired by any civic gadfly.

He should, however, be careful about linking his campaign with any office Mr. Gary Abrams also is seeking. I was surprised the threat of using a baseball bat on our elected Council members to transfer money to the School District wasn't met by a few of Culver City's finest slapping on the handcuffs for terrorist threats during the very civil League of Women Voters candidates forum a few weeks back.

Nonetheless, Mr. Z, keep advocating for oil taxes. If this doesn't work, advocate for liquid natural gas taxes or even a tax on solar energy. Hey, take your pick of anything you want to tax to fund schools in California.

The letter writer may be contacted at corey.michelson@yahoo.com