Home Letters The Delay Is Disgusting

The Delay Is Disgusting


Re “South L.A./Dorsey Fight for Safety with MTA Resumes Tonight

My take on Tuesday night's meeting at Dorsey High School regarding the nearby ground-level Expo light rail crossing:

If I needed any more proof that we're living in a dysfunctional society, this was it. After 20 years of planning, we're still arguing about something that should have been finalized at least 10 years ago.

Why wasn't this all talked out then, a decision made, and construction started?

The job could have been finished by now.

As I entered, I was asked if I wanted to speak. I declined, being certain that whatever I would say would likely be politically incorrect. It didn't take long to see how true that was.

Outside of a few constructive comments, mainly by Steve Rose of the Chamber of Commerce and a student, it was a totally wasted evening.

Thanks to Steve for countering the socio-economic slurs about the Culver City elevated structures.

Trains have been part of our environment for over 150 years. Perhaps we'd all be better off if the people who are too dumb to learn how to live with them were eliminated from the gene pool.

Maybe then some of our other problems would disappear.

Admittedly, grade-crossings are inherently less safe than grade-separated ones.

So what's the big deal? There's a bridge at La Brea? Why not extend the ramp a half mile or so and be done with it?

Maybe if government were not spending trillions of dollars killing people in unjustified wars halfway around the world, we could do useful things like this without a second thought.

If this project is two-thirds complete, it'll be another 10 years before the first run.

In which case my prediction will come true: By the time it is operational, I'll likely be too old and decrepit to get any serious use out of it.

My problem is, I grew up in a time when we were a nation of doers, not “spitters and chewers.”

If this sounds bitter, put yourself in my place, at my age (81) and wait 20-plus years for a project that should have been completed in five.

Thanks, all you obstructionists. I hope you are happy.

(See what I mean by “politically incorrect”?)

Mr. Brown may be contacted at brown_built@webtv.net