Home Letters The ‘Cinderella Candidate’ Takes Umbrage at an Evaluation

The ‘Cinderella Candidate’ Takes Umbrage at an Evaluation


Re “Shh. It Is Snooze Time. The Council Race Is Starting.”

I couldn't disagree more with Ari Noonan’s quote in yesterday’s story, “One could fall asleep between now and the April 13 election because there is not a hint of lightning in the race.”

I guarantee you that this will be one of the most interesting races for City Council that Culver City has seen in a long time. Although I am the underdog, you can call me the “Cinderalla candidate.”

I intend to run a populist unorthodox campaign that will get people to start thinking critically instead of following the political machine drones.

Although Ari might say that I am just a substitute teacher, I would like to remind him that I am also a realtor and once ran a $4 million company. I teach for the love of the challenge of teaching different classes, from kindergarten through highschool every day.

I will be bringing fresh ideas to the table in this campaign.

I will be highlighting the differences between myself and the other candidates.

The main difference I have with them will be that I am not afraid to stand up to political correctness, to the PC police.

If there is a large voter turnout, I will win. If the voter turnout is small, the political machine will win.

In the end it will be up to the voters to decide and not some pundit.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the City Council, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com