Home Letters Thanks for the Memories, and for Your Hard Work

Thanks for the Memories, and for Your Hard Work


As Chair of the 2009 Fiesta La Ballona, I’d like to thank all the members of the Committee. Your hard work made this the best Fiesta ever, in spite of the weather!

My Executive Board – Past Chair Ronnie Jayne, Vice Chair Susan Deen, Secretary Shauna Benson and Treasurer Dave Benson – worked to keep us all in line and on budget.

The sub-committee chairs – Entertainment, Ronnie Jayne; Fundraising, Tom Camarella, Budget & Finance, Dave Benson; Publicity and Advertising, Laura Stuart; Vendors, Susan Deen; Volunteers, Barbara Silverstein and the new Green sub-committee chaired by Mike Cohen – were tireless in their efforts to do everything that was thrown at them. Also, my appreciation to Jeff Cooper, our liaison for the Exchange Club and their Beer Garden.

We had several new volunteers this year who, despite the chaotic meetings, kept on coming back.

Thank you to Mona Krane, Lisa Tholen and Scott McKinlay. Lisa and Scott worked closely with Mike Cohen and Tom Camarella on the Green sub-committee to take the first steps to a Green fiesta. Also working with our Green Team were Cathi Vargas and Damian Skinner, both from Public Works.

A special thank you to the Culver City Observer, the official newspaper of the Fiesta. Steve Hadland and crew provided the Fiesta Guide and helped us advertise the event as far back as June and July.

Thank you to Pam Robinson and her staff at the Veterans complex. They always go above and beyond by doing the jobs not covered by the Committee. Also, a special thanks to the electricians from Public Works. Without you, we would have been literally working in the dark!

We are grateful for the support of the city and the City Council, who ultimately are the primary reason we can keep doing this. We also appreciate the help of the Police Dept., Fire Dept. and CERT.

Ms. Gunther may be contacted at marti42790@aol.com