Home Letters Successful Opening Sister Cities Meeting

Successful Opening Sister Cities Meeting


We had a great initial meeting of the Culver City Sister Cities Committee’s youth/travel program on Tuesday night!

Sixteen people showed up from a diverse population that included students from Culver City High School, a local high school academy and Culver City youth who go to schools outside the city (Beverly Hills). Additionally a Service Coordinator from one of the local private schools attended to learn about our programs.

Heather Reitzfield, a 10th grade CCHS student, gave a summary of her participation in the 2010 Youth Conference in New Mexico.

Many of this year’s opportunities were illustrated such as the Korean Exchange, International Young Artists competition, the 2011 Youth Conference and Homestay Hosting opportunities, etc.

We are on our way to our goal to increase opportunities for youth to be active members at all levels — local, national and international communities and advance their cross-cultural learning experiences while helping promote the Culver City Sister City committee.

The next meeting is Tuesday Feb. 22. -We will be brainstorming “What do you think cultural awareness is?” and “What do you want the CCSCC Youth Program to look like?”

Committee member Marla Wolkowitz adds:
Donna is our Youth Chair. She works with the coordinators who will organize our student trips to Korea this summer and Japan next summer. We are working on developing a youth trip to Canada. Our newest endeavor is our 2012 Trilateral Youth Ambassadors Program that was talked about at the meeting. That program incorporates Canada and Mexico. We are fortunate to be one of a few programs that have relationships with both Mexico and Canada.
