Home Letters Study Shows District Used Parcel Tax Proceeds Properly

Study Shows District Used Parcel Tax Proceeds Properly


Approximately once a quarter, citizen members of the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee conduct an agendized meeting with School District staff to go over items related to the parcel tax.

All interested members of the public are invited to attend, or to contact committee members if there are questions.

In late 2011, committee members met with the auditors from the firm of Christy White, who had examined the School District’s expenditures of the first year’s worth of parcel tax proceeds. We scrutinized the methodology the auditors used to examine the spending, to ensure that the spending followed the guidelines as listed in the ballot measure.

We also asked questions to ensure that these important funds were not spent on precluded items, also spelled out in the ballot measure.

Our examination, which was duly reported out in the spring to the School Board at an agendized, open meeting, detailed our review of the auditor’s work.

We concluded that our examination and ongoing following of the use of parcel tax (also known by its ballot name, Measure EE, for Educational Excellence) indicated that the funds had been both allocated and used properly, according to the language as set forth in the measure.

Ms. Alexander, Chairman, CCUSD Parcel Tax Oversight Committee, may be contacted at cczaralex@gmail.com