Home Letters She Has Seen This Bond Movie Before. No, Not James

She Has Seen This Bond Movie Before. No, Not James


By Lori Jeffries

Re “Bond Measure Supporters Will Get Another Chance”

Urban myths rely upon their own repetition to remain alive and kicking.

Culver City's esteemed Educrats (both popularly elected and professionally hired) are maintaining the health of a dandy urban myth.

Justification for a November bond measure derailment by the now- vanquished School Board Troika last July was cloaked in many forms:  Adequate study was lacking, adequate time for proper preparation was lacking, adequate public information was lacking.

Yet, a well-respected pollster produced evidence that 67 percent of those polled felt they had enough information, that adequate preparation was given, and that enough study had been conducted to give the green light for a November  bond.

Indeed, a second chance exists for bond supporters this fine day.  A second chance to pay a handsome fee to another well-respected pollster to ascertain basically the same information gleaned last June.  A second chance exists for the Educrats to spend tens of thousands of more taxpayer dollars on paid consultants to learn what it already knows.

So let's conduct another survey and be at the ready to join hands and sing “Kumbaya” when the latest results are delivered for public consumption.

A bond measure should have been placed before voters last month.

The latest taxpayer-funded theatre is more of a re-run, rather than a second chance.

Then again, who doesn't enjoy a good re-run here in “The Heart of Screenland?”

Ms. Jeffries may be contacted at LBJ1951Q@aol.com