Home Letters Saturday, Aug. 20 — Next ‘Safe Routes To School’ Community Meeting

Saturday, Aug. 20 — Next ‘Safe Routes To School’ Community Meeting


Re “Before Digesting Garcia Memo: ‘Dude, the Neighbors Are Complaining’

Hello, everyone.

I am looking forward to your participation in our upcoming Safe Routes to School Community meeting on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10a.m. to 12 noon, at the Council Chambers in City Hall.

Please share the invitation below with those who might not be aware of the community meeting.


From: Gabe Garcia,Traffic Engineering Manager, 310.253.5633 or gabe.garcia@culvercity.org

Upcoming Safe Routes to School Community Meeting

The Public Works Dept., as part of our continuing dialogue with the community in the vicinity of Farragut Elementary, the Middle School, and the High School, as well as with the community in the vicinity of La Ballona Elementary School, will host a community meeting on Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, in Council Chambers.

The purpose is to obtain input on what physical improvements that encourage students and parents to walk and bicycle to and from school and that address existing traffic and parking needs in the vicinity of the schools would be supported by the community. The process of obtaining this feedback may require several meetings.

At a subsequent meeting, a draft plan that reflects the input will be presented for review and further feedback. Public Works seeks to come up with a plan that has been developed with the input of all stakeholders and is supported by the majority. The plan will become the contents of a Safe Routes to School grant application at a yet-undetermined future opportunity, contingent upon City Council approval of submission.

Additionally, Public Works will ask if any of the meeting attendees are interested in being part of a Citywide Safe Routes to School Committee. This Public Works committee would be a recommending body to the Public Works Director/City Engineer in regards to future Safe Routes to School grant applications and the vision for implementation of the school-specific Safe Routes to School programs.

To encourage attendance, the Public Works Dept. has sent invitations to all who have signed up for our Safe Routes to School email list. Additionally, we have announced the meeting on the city’s website, cable programming, and will publish an invitation in the local paper. Everyone is invited to attend.

Mr. Heyl may be contacted at john_heyl@sbcglobal.net