Home Letters Safe Routes: A Salute to Gabe Garcia and Others

Safe Routes: A Salute to Gabe Garcia and Others


Safe Routes to School is an international movement that has taken hold in communities throughout the United States. The concept is to increase the number of children who walk or bicycle to school by funding projects that remove the barriers that currently prevent them from doing so.

Two weeks ago on Oct. 14, the California Caltrans division of Local Assistance awarded a total of 85 grants for Safe Routes for Schools, totaling $24,242,330. The smallest grant was for $56,400, and the largest grants were for $450,000.

The city of Culver City, through the hard work of Gabe Garcia, Traffic Engineering Manager, and the folks here at Irving Place and at Lin Howe School, as well as many community members, was awarded a grant of $447,480 to construct bulb-outs/curb extensions, curb ramps, and one median nose; install crosswalks, bicycle lanes and bicycle routes with sharrows and bike racks; fund education and outreach programs.

This is a great example of not only the schools and city working together, but of our fine city’s assistance in our schools.

Mr. Zeidman, Vice President of the School Board, may be contacted at scott.zeidman@laslots.com