Home Letters Ridley-Thomas Pledges Support to Crest Neighbors for Comment Period Extension

Ridley-Thomas Pledges Support to Crest Neighbors for Comment Period Extension


[Editor’s Note: Here is the first response yesterday from any elected official to a distress letter sent out this week by Mike Bauer, President of the Culver Crest Neighborhood Assn., to hundreds of residents and community leaders, vigorously objecting to the way last Saturday’s oil drilling forum at West Los Angeles College was run.]

Good morning, Mr. Bauer.

Thank you very much for including me in the e-mail loop for this important message. As you know, [state] Sen. [Mark] Ridley-Thomas appealed to [County] Supervisor [Yvonne] Burke, in writing, on July 28 in much the same way as you did here, requesting additional time for the Draft Environmental Impact Report public comment period, on behalf of concerned constituents such as yourself and your Culver Crest neighbors.

The Senator said then, and again on Saturday at the hearing, that if the County Planning Commission, PXP, and all others involved in the drafting of the EIR needed nine additional months to write it – keeping in mind that the EIR was originally due for release in September 2007 – then, at the very least, the citizens who will be affected by the Community Standards District should be afforded some additional time to review it.

Furthermore, PXP is not likely to renege on their pledge to refrain from submitting new well drilling applications until October 21, 2008.

As such, 30 additional days (after Aug. 19) would still leave one month for hearings and the like before PXP even applies, much less is granted, their applications. The Senator feels that this is a sound basis upon which to grant the extension, and still more equally sound reasons exist.

Having said that, the Senator was in touch with Congresswoman Diane Watson’s office yesterday, and is working to secure their support on this extension request as well.

We forwarded them a copy of our letter to Supervisor Burke, and hope to see something from them today or tomorrow. We are also working to bring representatives from the State Dept. of Conservation’s DOGGR and the State Dept. of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to a similar Roundtable Discussion as the one we had with community stakeholders after our PXP Oil Field tour last Thursday.

In any case, I wanted you and your neighbors to know that your Senator is continuing to work this issue, and there are no “deaf ears” here (borrowing your words). We will keep in touch with you, and we thank you for helping us to stay in touch.

In solidarity,

~ Eric

Eric F. Boyd, District Director

Office of State Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas

26th Senate District

700 State Dr.

Los Angeles, CA 90037

(213) 745-6656

(213) 745-6722 (Fax)
