Home Letters Repairing Natatorium Is Cure for Sweltering Students and Grownups

Repairing Natatorium Is Cure for Sweltering Students and Grownups


By Robert Zirgulis

The people of Culver City recently passed a $106 million bond issue for the purpose of fixing the infrastructure of our schools.

A new school year has begun, and it is hot like hell. Our students are sweltering in their classes. Our senior citizens are getting heat strokes. Meanwhile our Culver City School Natatorium swimming pool stands unused and neglected.

When are we going to use some of that bond money to fix the  Natatorium pool that has been left to decompose so that our students and citizens can get respite from these heat waves.

Here is what is crazy. The School District still is considering spending $10.3 million to demolish the school pool that could serve 6,500 students and all Culver City residents and replace it with a “multi-purpose” facility that would accommodate 80 students from Culver Park.  Meanwhile, the cost to repair and upgrade the pool would be only $3 million. This doesn’t make sense.
I am asking the people of Culver City, and anyone with common sense, to go to the next School Board meeting, on Tuesday evening at 7 in Council Chambers, and demand that they use the bond money responsibly and fix our school pool.

I will be presenting approximately 2,000 signatures of people who want to fix our school pool. It is time that the Board heed common sense and do the right thing.

Fix our Culver City School Pool.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com