Home Letters Readers Urged to Do Own Research and Not ...

Readers Urged to Do Own Research and Not Rely on Letters


As the April 8 City Council election gets closer, the nasty backbiting, and sometimes slanderous letters to the editor, begin coming in.


Nitpicking seems to be the order of the day. Jeff Cooper accused of not founding the dog park.

Christopher Armenta accused of stating he is an elected, not a part- time elected official.

While the facts don’t hold up for the accusers, the letters do get published and the slander and damage get done, which is exactly what those writing the letters intended.

I would implore all readers to examine very closely those letters to the editor, especially when at the end, they urge you to vote for specific candidates.

Take all letters with a grain of salt.

Everyone who runs should either be applauded, or have his head examined.

And all deserve a fair shake, not the “hit pieces” that so often preclude really good candidates from winning because of negative political strategy.

Do your own homework.

Do not rely on the letters from an insider to a campaign to sway your vote.

But that’s just my opinion.