Home Letters Rallying Neighbors to a Parking Cause

Rallying Neighbors to a Parking Cause


Friends and Neighbors,

Please let me bring this article to your attention:



It is especially interesting in light of the new “Temporary Parking Permits” being issued to the Meals on Wheels program operating out of Grace Church (see the accompanying photo). These will apparently take the place of the 25 annual Parking Permits that were previously issued to the program.

Mayor Andy Weissman's response in the article is that staff is looking into the 100 or so parking districts that currently exist in Culver City. I wish staff luck in coming up with solutions that both satisfy the business community and the spirit of the CN zoning code to provide homes for pedestrian-based businesses.

The problems in my residential neighborhood go back many years and point out that businesses and residences don't always make the best next door neighbors.

Let's be sure to provide adequate funds for Parking Enforcement Officers!

Mr. Heyl may be contacted at heyl@sbcglobal.net