Home Letters Please, Stop the Hatred Before It Ruins Culver City

Please, Stop the Hatred Before It Ruins Culver City


I grew up in Culver City and moved to the South Bay when I was 22 years old. I recently married, and my husband and I are planning on moving back to Culver City in the near future to raise our children.

I have been observing local politics since I was a child (I was taken to a lot of meetings!), and I have watched the de-evolution of civility, especially in writings.

People used to write letters to the editor promoting their candidate’s attributes. Now, since the advent of blogs, facebook and email, they write like they gossip, trying to tear down other candidates through lies and innuendo.

This is the not Culver City I loved nor want to raise my children in today.

I know most of you. I grew up with your kids. Your parents and my mom were friends. I am asking everyone – stop. Stop the hate before it is too late. We are taught in school not to bully.

How are we to set an example for our children to not bully when the adults in our community continue to bully each other and spread hate and lies? This has got to end.

Please, stop the hatred before it ruins what Culver City meant to me:

Family, friendly atmosphere, and a place where we can feel accepted for who we are, regardless of circumstance.

Ms. O’Neill may be contacted at jessicaxcaitlin@gmail.com