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Phoenix Rising, He Says


Hey Folks,

Just a note let you know that tomorrow I have been scheduled by the organizers of the SB 1070 “Phoenix Rising” rally in Phoenix to address the American Citizen Patriots there, those throughout our beloved nation as well as to domestic foes allied with the invaders of our nation under the guise of civil rights illegal invasion.

As the Muslim jihadist who wrongfully use the Black “mantle” civil rights legacy of American Black citizens in the name of “color” to invade our country, the proponents of illegal immigration and amnesties are doing the same with the encouragement of the usual suspects among African American “leaders.” You you know who they are. Please see http://tedhayes.us/Civil_Rights_ Nullifying_the_race_weapon_part.htm

These entities, including the Hon. President of the United States himself, Barack Hussein Obama, have taken their cover in the shadows behind the experience of the emancipated slaves in America, who happen to be Black (Negro-Spanish term), as an emotional race weapon against the civil sensitivities of honest, open- minded Americans citizens.

Blessed of God, I am indeed grateful that He is allowing me to add my particular views to those of others who also are fighting the good fight to defend our country.

The Phoenix rising organizers have graciously placed me as a speaker with strong American patriots such as Barbara Coe (co-author of Prop. 187 and matriarch of the movement); the San Diego Minutemen, Joseph Turner, Tony Dolz, Al Garza, Luca Zanna, Ruthie Hendrycks, Frosty Wooldridge, Neil Turner (Christians for Secured Borders); and former Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo, considered the godfather of the patriotic movement; Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearse; Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Jeff Swilk, Col. Al (You Don’t Speak for Me) Rodriquez; Joe Loya; Monica Romas; and many others.

Wow. Please visit http://www.phoenixrally.com/

It is my intent to stir a movement to nullify dismantle-destroy and eliminate the race “weapon” out of the hands of the most racist movement in America, the La Raza psuedo “brown-bronze” race, and to arrest the seditious, treasonous betrayers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

In doing so, we U.S. emancipated slave citizens defend and shield the honor and legacy of American white citizen immigrants from the accusations of racism, racial profiling made by the La Raza racists.

The message is:

For sake of our children and nation, American Blacks, i.e., Emancipated Slaves, will no longer allow or tolerate the hijacking of our (Blacks, whites and Jews) Black “mantle” civil rights legacy handed down to us by our ancestors, foreparents and parents to be used as a race weapon against our fellow U.S. citizens.

Announce SB 1070 Civil Rights Showdown in Phoenix, Aug. 6 and Aug. 7. Please see http://tedhayes.us/Civil_rights_showdown.htm

Thank you for your interest and continued support,

All the Best of God to you and yours,

Ted Hayes,
New America Civil Rights Activist

Shalom in Jerusalem. Blessed Bethlehem.