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Parents Union Leader Poses Questions for Super and the Board


[Editor’s Note:The President of the newly organized Parents Union sent the following letter to members.]

Dear UPCC Members:

Thank you to all who have joined United Parents of Culver City to help us be a voice for the children. A special thank you to those who attended our first members meeting and voted on our first four policy issues. Our first step after the vote is to seek clarification and support from the School Board and Supt. Patti Jaffe on these issues.

To that end, we sent out the following letter to them yesterday:

Dear Superintendent and School Board members:

United Parents of Culver City and its political action committee seek to organize and assist parents in advocating for their children and our schools. Although recently formed, we already have well over 100 paid members and representation at every CCUSD school.

On May 24, UPCC held its first membership meeting. Four proposed policies were discussed, debated and ultimately passed with overwhelming support from approximately 100 UPCC members in attendance.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our actions, make ourselves available to discuss these positions and to receive clarification of your position in these matters.

The text of each motion is given below, as well as the specific questions to which we seek your written response:

UPCC Policy 001:
UPCC urges the District to allow parent groups whose purpose is to support the instructional program of CCUSD to use CCUSD facilities for school-related activities such as after-school enrichment classes, meetings and fundraisers. This use should come at no cost to these volunteer parent groups on school days, at least one weekend event per year per group at no cost and otherwise only reimbursement of actual CCUSD costs.

What is the District’s official position on charging parent groups for use of the facilities?

Will you support the Policy 001 we passed?

UPCC Policy 002: UPCC urges the School Board to amend – if necessary – and then pass the policy introduced by School Board members Laura Chardiet and Kathy Paspalis on Feb. 28, in that all parent groups should have the right to place aides – volunteer or paid – for educational programs into classrooms and other settings at no cost to the District as long as they are not displacing current unionized employees of the District.

Does the District have a legal rationale for denying Culver City High School, Culver City Middle School, El Rincon, Farragut, La Ballona and Linwood Howe parent groups from filling previously non-existent positions that Classified employees do not currently hold?

When will the School Board next discuss the Feb. 28, policy proposed by School Board members Laura Chardiet and Kathy Paspalis?

UPCC Policy 003:
UPCC applauds the School Board for voting to install the solar power system and urges it to ensure construction is completed before the start of school in the fall.

What is the official date by which the District intends to complete the solar installation project?

How does the District intend to mitigate disruption to summer school of regular year classes that could result from the solar installation?

UPCC Policy 004: UPCC will actively engage in parent voter registration and get out the parent vote at elections.

Will the District allow UPCC to conduct a voter registration drive on campuses before and after the school day?

We look forward to your response.

All responses may be emailed to contact@unitedparentsculvercity.com

Steve Levin,
UPCC Interim President