Home Letters Parcel B Would be Perfect for a Motion Picture Museum

Parcel B Would be Perfect for a Motion Picture Museum


I have lived in Culver City since 1953,virtually my entire life. During that time, I have heard endless discussions about the desirability of establishing a major motion picture and television museum in our community.

To date, almost nothing has been done to realize this goal.

I strongly support the establishment of a major motion picture and television museum on Parcel B (near Trader Joe's) that is open throughout the week and is readily accessible to residents and visitors alike.

Such a museum would promote Culver City's motion picture and television heritage (i.e. Gone with the Wind, the Wizard of Oz, Our Gang comedies, Laurel and Hardy, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune).

In addition, such a museum has the potential to attract thousands of tourists to Culver City each year; tourists who will eat at our downtown restaurants, stay at the historic Culver Hotel, buy motion picture memorabilia, and generate much needed revenue and jobs for Culver City during this difficult economic time.

I recognize there are many unanswered questions about the museum including how it wll be funded, who will operate it, and how many people can be expected to visit the museum. To answer these an other questions, I propose that the City Council create an ad hoc committee to explore the feasibility of establishing a motion picture and television museum. The creation of this committee will, at long last, bring us closr to the day when we can say that Culver City is finally exploiting its heritage as “The Heart of Screenland.”

Mr. Cherness may be contacted at darrylc2@earthlink.net