Home Letters ‘Overtime’ Critics Have No Clue

‘Overtime’ Critics Have No Clue


Re “Not Everyone at City Hall Is Broke. Fire Dept. Says Thanks a Million and a Half” and “A Journalistic Job That Needs to be Done

As a retired Los Angeles firefighter, proud member of the Los Angeles firefighter sentorians and longtime resident of Blair Hills, I must disagree with both Ari Noonan and George Laase’s recent comments regarding this so called “overtime” in the Fire Dept.

In order to understand ,you absolutely must know the schedule firefighters work. Clearly Mr. Noonan and Mr. Laase have absolutely no clue.

The first rule in journalism is reporting facts, something these two reporters are lacking.

Hopefully, these two experts will become educated before part two in this series is published.

Mr. Greer may be contacted at MartyG@ca.rr.com