Home Letters ‘Only the Truly Ignorant Will Buy Your Argument’

‘Only the Truly Ignorant Will Buy Your Argument’


Re “Please, Meghan Sahli-Wells, Rein in Your Team

Dear Goran Eriksson:

It is apparent who you support in the City Council race.

Negative campaigning? Not you, sir?

The whole sign thing is obsolete in the era of the internet.

But Culver City is 20 years behind the times. Many of its citizen are not interested in politics, not unlike most of the ignorant citizens in the country. You claim that a Meghan Sahli-Wells sign was twice placed upon your property unwarranted. What about the proliferation of signs on vacant properties.

Washington and Sepulveda boulevards, for example. No Meghan signs there?

Why would anyone associated with Meghan waste signs on sites without the owners’ permission. The problem with your argument is that only the truly ignorant will buy it.

Not too difficult in Culver City, though.

Scott Malsin claims to be a servant for Culver City citizens. But his actions speak louder than his words. When asked at a City Council meeting, “Why doesn't the Redevelopment Agency help the schools?” Mr. Malsin stated that it was prohibited by law.

Gov. Brown dismantled the Redevelopment Agencies because they would not revenue share with the schools. Ignorant or lies? You be the judge.

Resign to protect your own self interest, Mr. Malsin, then run again. You voted to give a private developer Culver City tax dollars to finance a private venture ($6 million). Theft or gift?

Meghan cannot be all to everyone, but she is honest, intelligent and sincere.

More than you can say about most elected officials.

Support your choices, but your amateurish attempt to assassinate Meghan's character has no foundation.

Mr. Abrams, a former School Board candidate, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com