Home Letters One Culver City Man’s Tragic Encounter

One Culver City Man’s Tragic Encounter


Re “A Neighborhood Frets Over Risks Posed by a Proposed Cell Tower

[Editor’s Note: Here is a follow-up commentary by neighbor Herb Rosenberg, enlarging on a letter earlier today co-signed with his wife, on the pending cell phone tower atop the Cash n’ Carry store on Sawtelle Boulevard just east of Sepulveda Boulevard.]

I think it is only fair that people understand the government is lying to everyone involved with microwave transmissions.

I myself worked for Hughes Aircraft for 28 years as a microwave technician.

During that time, I saw hundreds of my fellow workers come down with different forms of cancer. The company kept it as quiet as possible.

The big bosses and supervisors all had the same line:

Microwave transmissions cannot harm or hurt you.

My fellow workers who became sick are now all dead.

Well, they were wrong. Microwave is a very dangerous thing to play with or have in or near populated areas.

Microwave will be transmitted 24/7.

During the time it transmits, there will be an R.F. field set up in the immediate area where the electronics are. Anyone in that area will get zapped.

This will probably take in the entire block of Stevens and Sawtelle.

I wouldn't recommend anyone who has a pacemaker to enter the RED ZONE/GROUND ZERO, which will be the Cash 'n' Carry building.

Five years after I retired from Hughes Aircraft, I found myself unable to keep my vehicle in the lane I was driving in.

I kept veering to the left.

Diane and I talked it over, and I went to visit our primary doctor. He suggested I see a neurologist.

The following day I had an appointment with the neurologist, who took an MRI of my brain. Until this time, I had not had symptoms of any major problems.

No headaches, no seizures, and I could drive and see.

Upon seeing the MRI, I received a phone call from the neurologist putting me into the hospital that same evening.

I was told in order to save my life I must have brain surgery. I am lucky as the meningeomas were benign.

If they had been malignant, I would have been dead in two weeks.

The result of the MRI showed I had a meningeoma brain tumor on the right side of my brain. Half the brain was the tumor 3X5cm in size.

We were sent to USC University Hospital where the neuro surgeon told us that the brain tumor was at least 7 or 8 years old.

He said I was very lucky to still be alive. If it had gotten any larger, I would not have been here today.

Since surgery, I have to go for an MRI once a year for the rest of my life.

After living and seeing what went on at Hughes Aircraft, I am very weary of believing anything the government has to say about microwaves.

I was a senior tech who worked with engineering.

Some of the frequencies used 2 to 15 NANOHZ.

Many of the people who live here in Culver City should rightfully fear the building of T-Mobile.

No one will be safe from radiation.

The Rosenbergs may be contacted at dianeherb@webtv.net

Also: stopsawtelletower@gmail.com