Home Letters Oil, Earthquakes, Candidates on the Agenda for Concerned Crest Neighbors

Oil, Earthquakes, Candidates on the Agenda for Concerned Crest Neighbors


You are invited.

Earthquakes and oil drilling create a life threatening combination.

Running through our nearby oil fields is an active 7.4 quake line.

Always pro-active on the community’s behalf, the Culver Crest Neighborhood Assn. has invited an oil field expert, Dr. Tom Williams, to Wednesday evening’s meeting to tell us if and how the Baldwin Hills Oil Field can be retrofitted to mitigate an earthquake or man-made disaster.

Given the clear and everpresent danger to our well-being from the oil field operations, and given how lax the state regulatory agency known as DOGGR is in this regard, our Neighborhood Association also has invited state Assembly candidates Reginald Jones-Sawyer, Holly Mitchell, and Robert L. Jones to the meeting.

They will tell us where they stand and if elected what they intend to do to promote our safety.

We invite everyone interested in the public’s safety to attend the Neighborhood Association’s general meeting at 6:30 on Wednesday at Marycrest Manor,10664 Saint James Dr., Culver Crest.

Dr. De Benedittis, Ph.D, may be contacted at debenedittis@sbcglobal.net