Home Letters ‘Obsession Must Be a Hard Habit to Break’

‘Obsession Must Be a Hard Habit to Break’


Re “Do I Smell Retaliation for My Election Activity?

Gosh. I thought that once the election was over, so, too, would be the outlandish claims from the Gruesome Twosome. Obviously, I was mistaken. Obsession must be a hard habit to break. Don’t worry, Gary Abrams, there are programs that can help you.

Let me make two things crystal clear:

First, you didn’t help get me defeated.

Nancy Goldberg and Laura Chardiet won the election. Both did an excellent job campaigning. They were both fantastic candidates. Their victories are all theirs.

They are too deserving for you to take any credit in their victories or my defeat. I lost to two fabulous women.

While you did get over 100 votes this time (Nancy eclipsed 2,400), and while this time you didn’t lose to a man who had withdrawn months before the election, you certainly were not a factor in the election. A side show maybe. Certainly not a factor.

Second, I didn’t “hack” you.

People’s email and computers get compromised daily. That’s one of the reasons that companies like Norton and McAfee exist.

For what it is worth, my VCR (yes, I still have one of those) flashes 12:00 all day and night. Parenthetically, it is correct twice a day.

My 12-year-old son, Jason, programs our phone, our DVRs, and everything else electronic. I know how to turn on my computer and which icons to press to get to the internet, my email, and to my word processor. Anything beyond that is up to Jason.

By the way, Jason didn’t “hack” you, either. He’s got far better things to do, like schoolwork.

The same is true for my brother, my wife, my son Brandon, and all my living and deceased relatives, friends, co-workers and acquaintances. While you may be obsessed with us, the feeling is anything but mutual.

Happy holidays.

Mr. Zeidman, former member of the School Board, may be contacted at scott.zeidman@laslots.com