Home Letters Numerous Reasons Mrs. Siegel Is Wrong About Impeachment

Numerous Reasons Mrs. Siegel Is Wrong About Impeachment


I read Helen Miller’s letter and Adele Siegel’s letter (See “Letters,” Oct. 18) concerning the City Council agendizing impeachment.

I agree with Mrs. Miller’s opinion. Mrs. Siegel’s opinion is that impeachment is a serious undertaking and should be initiated at the local level. She believes this is where the voices of the American people should be heard.

But having discussions in local City Councils will not move the process forward. The American people elect members of Congress, and the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the duty of impeachment. If the people want Congress to proceed with impeachment, they should contact their elected representatives in Congress. The people of Culver City elected the City Council to do the work of Culver City.

Two years ago there were a number of calls from both houses of Congress for impeachment. We no longer hear these calls. Why not? What has changed?

What has changed is that the Democrats now are in control of Congress. Two years ago they could appease their base by calling for impeachment, knowing nothing would come of it because Republicans were in control of Congress.

Now that they are in control, Democrats are not pushing impeachment for two reasons.

First, they know that other than the fringe of both parties, the electorate doesn’t look favorably on impeachment as a political tool. The pushing of impeachment could cause some Democrats in Congress to lose their elected positions, and they are not interested in looking for real jobs.

The second reason is that the Democrats know they would never be able to pass impeachment.

They know that the Bush Administration has not committed serious violations of our Constitution and of our civil rights.

They know they cannot prove that the President presented false and misleading information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

They know they cannot prove that there were illegal interceptions of telephone calls and e-mail messages made by Americans.

They know they cannot prove that people were improperly denied the right to habeas corpus.

They know they cannot prove that the President authorized the use of torture.

They know they cannot prove that the President repeatedly violated the Geneva Conventions.

They know that the impeachment would be a dismal failure and eliminate the bogus talking points that they are planning to use in the 2008 elections.

If there are residents of the city who believe we need an open discussion of our policies in the Middle East and how we are spending our tax dollars, there is nothing to prevent them from hosting their own gatherings.

If the City Council meetings started at 7 o’clock and ended at 8 o’clock every week, then maybe there would be time for the Council to host these discussions.

But Council meetings go late into the evenings, discussing city business. There really isn’t enough time at many meetings to properly discuss items of City business. Let Congress handle national business and the City Council handle city business.

Mr. Supple may be contacted at tomjsup@ca.rr.com
