Home Letters Now It Is My Turn to Challenge — Or Was That Just...

Now It Is My Turn to Challenge — Or Was That Just Lip Service?


Re: “A Challenge to Mielke: 5 Percent Paycut for All Members

In response to Mr. Ferguson's letter on Wednesday, I ask the following:

Is Mr. Ferguson aware that Culver City already is one of the lowest paying districts for teachers in L.A. County?

Is Mr. Ferguson aware that teachers in Culver City have not received a COLA in quite some time?

Is Mr. Ferguson aware that the last raises in Culver City were to administrators?

Teachers did not get into teaching because of the salary. Teachers get into teaching because they want to help their students learn and gain knowledge and understanding of the world we live in.

A teacher in Culver City who has a Masters Degree and has been teaching for five years makes only $50,410.

Mr. Ferguson states, “Why don't you do as many of the teachers have asked? Have all the teachers take a 5 percent paycut, and ask that the administrators do the same. This way, no one will lose their jobs, no one will lose part of their job, and there won’t be any more overcrowding in the classrooms. No programs would need to be cut. No more furlough days will have to be added. Most of all, the kids won't feel any loss.

“If you are truly here for the kids, then take the sacrifice for the kids. Please put your money where your mouth is and agree that everyone should take a 5 percent paycut for the kids.

“Or was that just lip service?”

That means that the teacher with 5 years of service and a Masters Degree would have to take a pay cut of $2,520.50.

Since this 5 percent seems to be of no significance to Mr. Ferguson, I have a proposal for him.

How about instead of the $95 parcel tax to fund the schools in Culver City we have a $2,520.50 parcel tax. This should not be a problem for Mr. Ferguson as he states, “It takes a village to raise a child. The village can survive with a 5 percent cut. The child cannot. ”

Are you ready, Mr. Ferguson, to pay a parcel tax that will insure that kids won't feel any loss.

Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is for YOUR kids.

Or was that just lip service?

Mr. Hodge may be contacted at bjhodge@pacbell.net