Home Letters Neighbors Resume Chase of PXP to Learn Their Drilling Plans...

Neighbors Resume Chase of PXP to Learn Their Drilling Plans for This Year


[Editor’s Note: With the PXP oil exploration company recently having filed a general drilling plan for the calendar year, affecting Culver Crest and surrounding area, Ken Kutcher, a land-use lawyer who lives in Culver Crest, just filed the following request for drilling details not available electronically.]

Jon Sanabria
Acting Planning Director Los Angeles County
Department of Regional Planning
320 West Temple St., Room 1390
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: Public Records Act Request/PXP's 2009 Annual Drilling Plan
Our File No. 9065.2

Dear Mr. Sanabria:

This letter constitutes a request for public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Gov't Code §§ 6250, et seq.). This request supplements my prior Public Records Act requests concerning the matters described below.

This letter is written with reference to the County's processing of an application from Plains Exploration & Production Company (“PXP”) dated January 2009 entitled, “2009 Drilling, Redrilling, Well Abandonment, and Well Pad Restoration Plan Inglewood Oil Field,” (“2009 Drilling Plan”) prepared by Arup, in connection with the Baldwin Hills Community Standards District (“CSD”) (Ordinance No. 2008-0057) concerning oil and gas exploration and production in the Baldwin Hills. This letter is submitted on behalf of the Greater Baldwin Hills Alliance (“GBHA”) and the Culver Crest Neighborhood Association (“CCNA”).


On Thursday evening, March 26, 2009, the Community Advisory Panel (“CAP”) was informed that PXP had filed the 2009 Drilling Plan. The CAP was informed that public comments were required to be submitted no later than Monday, April 6, 2009. The CAP was referred to the following link to view the 2009 Drilling Plan: http://www.baldwinhillscsd.com/recentfilingslinks.htm.

However, many of the pertinent documents from the 2009 Drilling Plan are not available on the link. Therefore, this Public Records Act request is necessary. And given the County's deadline, the need for dissemination of these documents to the public is urgent.


Pursuant to the provisions of the Public Records Act, please provide copies of the documents described below:

1.     All written or electronic communications between the County and PXP or its representatives concerning the 2009 Drilling Plan.

2.     All attachments to the 2009 Drilling Plan that are not provided on the County's website.

3.     A full sized print of the 2009 Annual Baldwin Hills Drilling Plan Map that is attached as Attachment 1 to the 2009 Drilling Plan.

4.     A high resolution electronic file of the 2009 Annual Baldwin Hills Drilling Plan Map that is attached as Attachment 1 to the 2009 Drilling Plan.

5.     All other materials that accompanied PXP's submission of the 2009 Drilling Plan.

6.     All findings, determinations, decisions, permits and approvals pertaining to the 2009 Drilling Plan.

As used in this request, the term “communications” or “documents” means all written and electronic documents, including without limitation, letters, plans, notes (whether handwritten or typed), memoranda, e-mails, reports, studies, complaints, applications, petitions, permits, approvals, determinations, and other written communications, and any other item fitting within the definition of the terms “public records” or “writing” as defined in Government Code Section 6252.

I believe that this public records request reasonably describes identifiable records, and we do not believe there are any express provisions of law exempting these records from disclosure. Accordingly, pursuant to Government Code Section 6253(b), we hereby request that you make these records promptly available. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6253(c), in all circumstances I am entitled to a written response within the next ten (10) days. I suggest that the most readily accessible documents should be provided within the next day regardless of whether additional time will be needed to produce additional documents.

In addition, pursuant to Government Code Section 6253.1, if the County contends that this request, or any part, does not reasonably describe identifiable documents, then the County is required to promptly provide assistance and suggestions as to the manner in which to identify and describe documents responsive to the purpose of this request. I am ready, willing and able to meet with the County to discuss any perceived ambiguity in this public records request.

Your cooperation in responding to this public documents request as soon as possible will be appreciated. If there are any copying charges for these records, I will pay such charges.

Very truly yours,

Kenneth L. Kutcher

cc:     Elaine Lemke
         Pat Hachiya
         Leon Freeman