Home Letters Need Community Calendar, and I Have Just the One

Need Community Calendar, and I Have Just the One


During the course of my campaign for the City Council, I discussed the need for a Culver City Community Calendar that could be a central “go-to” place to post events and find out about events.

It would help organizations with the scheduling of events. This past weekend, we had our own Carmegeddon with the Ballona Creek Cleanup, the Police Dept.’s Open House and EarthFest LA at West Los Angeles College all occurring at the same time.

With the help of Jerry and Janet Chabola, Claire Peeps and some other Culver City residents, we have started posting events utilizing an existing website called AmericanTowns.com.

For the time being it is the easiest way to post events. In addition to us, there are other individuals and organizations who post Culver City events on the site.

You can view it by going to http://www.americantowns.com/ca/culvercity/events

I invite you to look at the site frequently and feel free to list upcoming events in your publication. Giving a plug from time to time for the site will also help drive traffic to it and people will start using it.

If you are aware of an event not on the calendar, let me know or you can register (no charge) and can post events yourself.

Eventually, I would like to have our own website.

But using AmericanTowns was the fastest way to get the calendar up and running. City Manager John Nachbar has a agreed to put a link on the city's home page to our calendar.


Mr. Clarke may be contacted at jimbclarke@gmail.com