Home Letters Mr. Z Reports on His Sacramento Visit

Mr. Z Reports on His Sacramento Visit


[Editor’s Note: Here is the City Council candidate’s report on his trip to Sacramento last week to protest what he believes is the unfairness of distribution of funds from the decade-long, statewide red light traffic camera at intersections inb Culver City and elsewhere.]






I began my early morning protest against the infernal red light cameras at the entrance of the State Capitol building where lobbyists, legislative aides and legislators enter.

The general reaction was very favorable.

There are a lot of red light cameras in Sacramento. People hate them.

I actually got a number of volunteers to protest alongside with me.

I was not allowed to bring the protest into the Capitol building.

But I did push the envelope a bit when I snuck my sign into the Capitol building and held it up in front of Gov. Schwarzenegger’s office in the Capitol.

I visited the offices of all the state senators who deal with the Senate's Transportation and Housing Committee.

I explained to all their legislative aides how angry voters are against red light cameras and S.B. 949. They promised to give the information packets I had made to the senators.

Dear readers:

Pease write to the following senators of the Transportation and Housing Committee and tell them about your oposition to red light cameras and S.B. 949:

Write to Sens. Lowenthal (chair), Huff (vice chair), Ashburn, DeSaulnier, Harman, Kehoe, Oropeza, Pavley and Simitian.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com