Home Letters Looking for an Alternative to Carson? Try Nearby West L.A.

Looking for an Alternative to Carson? Try Nearby West L.A.


Re: ‘Corlin, Speaking Out Again, Refutes Critic on Animal Control,’ June 19.

I agree with former Mayor Alan Corlin that there should be a benchmark for all to hit in order to keep the new animal control officer.

But, I also think the city of Culver City should immediately begin negotiations with the city of Los Angeles to utilize the services of the new West Los Angeles Animal Shelter.

This shelter is a unique and large space that is but a mere 2 miles from the Culver City border.

This could save thousands of dollars in travel time and gas to Carson, and could keep the new officer somewhat closer to Culver City on a regular basis. This could and should be part of the overall package to make this 24-month test one that has a chance to succeed.

Also, with regard to canvassing for permits: Why not add $5 to each new license fee, empower the animal groups to go door-to-door and sign up pets, and give them the extra $5.

Imagine, helping the charity while proving that charity can begin at home….

But that's just my opinion..