Home Letters Let’s Reopen the Natatorium

Let’s Reopen the Natatorium


Dear group,

I had a very encouraging talk at Fiesta La Ballona with Scott Ziedman http://www.facebook.com/notes/scott-zeidman/zeidman-re-election-fundraiser/2239745629801. I am supporting him for re-election.

Scott has some very clear requirements for what it would take for the Culver City School Board to consider reopening the Culver City Natatorium.

After listening to him speak about the requirements I am more convinced than ever that getting this done is not at all impossible. Please reach out to a few friends who you think would like this group. Scott swam at the Natatorium when it was open and wants it reopened as much as anyone.

It’s time to put the fun in fundraising. Join us Saturday, Sept. 24, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.