Home Letters League Will Host Community’s First Candidates Forum

League Will Host Community’s First Candidates Forum


By Frances Talbott-White

To prepare voters for the April 8 City Council election, the League of Women Voters Culver City Unit will present a candidates forum in Council Chambers on Monday, March 3, at 6:30. Ask2Know Kid Forums is co-sponsoring the evening. Live television coverage will be provided on the City Channel beginning at 7.

Questions for the candidates may be submitted in writing at the event, or e-mailed in advance to talbwhite@smartvoter.org. Culver City High School students are developing questions in their Government classes, but persons of any age are welcome to forward questions.

An experienced, League-trained moderator from outside Culver City will conduct the forum along with a student from Culver High. All four City Council candidates (Gary Abrams, Jim B. Clarke, Mayor Jeff Cooper and Christopher King have accepted invitations as they contend  for the seats presently held by Mr. Cooper and Mr. Clarke

Ask2Know will host a voter registration rally outside City Hall at 5:30. Emphasis will be placed on signing up high school seniors in advance of becoming eligible to vote. But anyone who wants to register or change his/her registration is welcome to participate.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization devoted to informed and active participation in government. It does not support or oppose any candidate for public office.

For more information, visit www.smartvoter.org or call the LWV Los Angeles office at 213.368.1616.

Ms. Talbott-White may be contacted at talbwhite@gmail.com