Home Letters Last Week’s Attack on Me Was Malicious

Last Week’s Attack on Me Was Malicious


Re “Mr. Z’s ‘Machine’ Is Fiction, but He Does Need One, a Lie Detector

Since I don't have shills working for me, I will take it upon myself to respond directly to all “political attacks” against me by the misinformed, anonymous, ignorant and malevolent critics.

Some people say I should ignore the shills. But I like to have lively debates. Recently, Kevin Fields maliciously attacked me and called me a liar all because I pointed out correctly that Scott Zeidman, President of the School Board, had told Amanda Copeland, the mother of an autistic child, to shut up and cut her mike off at last week’s Board meeting.

Ms. Copeland has exposed the waste going on in our School District where $100,000 a month is being spent on lawyers trying to deprive special needs kids of an education.

It is well known that I am a free speech advocate, and people like Mr. Fields don't necessarily agree with my beliefs. They like to put words in my mouth, distort my positions on important issues facing our School District.

I am not the one who originally brought up the “mythical” Culver City political machine. You learn a lot when you run for political office in Culver City. Lots of people come up to you and tell you all kinds of stories. They do talk about the two factions that vie for control in Culver City. Don't be naive to common knowledge, Mr. Fields.

Mr. Fields says that I'm a “mudslinger.” Well, I don't hide behind shills to attack my opponents like some people do. I am quite open when I disagree with someone, and I am attacked most vehemently when I am right.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board in the November election, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com